We played an attack/defend scenario out of the book with an American armored rifle platoon attacking a regular German platoon. The Americans had 9 points of support and the Germans, 8. With Force morale levels of 8 for the Germans and 9 for the Americans. Below are several shots of the "battlefield".
The Americans have the initiative and rolling double 6s on thier first roll, deploy squads and move up to the hedgerow line.

Under the coverage of the barrage the Americans make their first move on the German left flank. The next phase the Germans rolled three 5s, gaining a chain of command point, ending the turn, lifting the barrage and firing at the American squad in the open inflicting a couple casulties and 4 points of shock.
The Americans throw a smoke grenade to get them some concealment and removing shock. On the next phase, the Germans shifted their attention to the American squads along the hedgerow with minimal results. This allowed the American squad to dash behind a fence to give them light cover.

The next phase the Americans brought their fire power to bear on the German machine gun team poking back into the window on the right flank trying to take out a senior leader moving up and down the American line. The Americans rolled a whopping 20 dice inflicting 12 hits on the house wiping out the rest of the German machine gun team, killing a couple rifle men and inflicting a bunch of shock - pinning and eventually routing the Germans from the house.
Even with all this damage, the Germans were able to sustain their morale. It only dropped by one point.
Both sides exchanged fire for the next couple of phases until the American squad along the fence broke due to shock, with an American force moral drop of 2 points . The Stug III was becoming too much for the Americans who spent their Chain of Command die on an ambush with their bazooka team. The bazooka round beat the Stug's armor by 2 killing the driver and inflicting 2 points of shock, crippling it for 2 phases until they could replace the driver.
After a double 6 roll by the Germans the Stug was back in action and changed it's attention to the American squad along the hedgerow once again inflicting, more casulties and pinning the American squad.
The Americans again decided enough was enough, they had to do something about the tank. They deployed their bazooka team along the hedge line and missed a shot. At the same time they made a move on the German right flank, sending one of their machine gun squads foward toward the building after realizing that the building was empty (The Germans had routed out the back). The Stug rotated and fired at the advancing Americans killing 2 out of 3 and inflicting a point of shock pinning the last guy in place.
At the same time the Americans were sending an engineering team to capture the unprotected foward German jump off point.

The Americans then inched closer toward the building causing the Germans to place their last available squad in the bulilding along with their senior leader and the panzershreck team along the fence to the rear of the building. The panzershreck team fired from the fence and the machine gun team from the first story window but caused no casualties. The American player with another lucky bazooka roll at the low profile ,obscured view and 2 range bands away Stug and needing a 11 or 12 hit the Stugg again causing the crew to bail and the Germans to make more rolls on the force morale chart. With that the Germans were down to 3 and were holding on by the skin of their teeth. The Americans were not doing much better with their morale level at 5. The next few phases were very unlucky for the Germans with nothing going in their favor. The Americans with the same stroke of incredible luck shot 4 rifle shots into the German left flank building causing 1 casuality which was the German junior leader. The roll on Force Morale brought it down to 1! The Germans decide to pull back and give the Americans the field.
It was a hard fought American victory! All an all it was a great game and a great time and a smooth game with us getting better and better with the rules each time we play !
A great looking game Ricky!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray!